City, University of London Student Gateway

The Student Gateway will consolidate all student services into a welcoming, inclusive and open destination in a central location at the University’s main campus. The project ensures all students can easily access services and support in a variety of ways including one to one consultation together with digital and physical help points.

A large social space provides a variety of zones which facilitate group study, collaboration, and social learning. The space includes ‘plug & play’ spots, together with a ‘heat & eat’ station for students. Two wings of private consultation rooms are provided for one-to-one meetings with students. A rest room, sensory room, safe space, student common room and group rooms provide a retreat for relaxation, reflection and privacy. New Student Union spaces are collocated to provide a centrally located ‘one stop shop’ for students.  To support the Student Gateway, agile workspace is provided to consolidate all the professional services staff supporting the Gateway into a single space in line with the University’s hybrid working policy.

The design concept is anchored by a large open central space that serves as the heart of the environment. Dual views invite natural light to flood in, fostering a sense of openness and connection to the surrounding areas. A variety of wall linings, varying textures and gently curved corners provide an organic calming and welcoming ambience.

Careful consideration of the sequence of spaces, furniture selection, a calming colour palette and the use of natural light/views were required to successfully integrate and balance the diverse environments and functions. The design was consulted on extensively with both the student and staff communities.

The remodelling project is undergoing a formal SKA environmental assessment targeting ‘gold’ level.

To see a video of the project, click here.

"The Student Gateway consolidates all student services into a welcoming, inclusive and open destination in a central campus location. The project ensures all students can easily access services and support in a variety of ways including one-to-one consultation together with digital and physical help points. A rest room, sensory room, safe space, and group rooms provide further retreat for relaxation, reflection and privacy alongside new Student Union spaces creating a cohesive 'one stop shop'. Agile workspaces facilitate hybrid working for the professional services teams in support.

The scheme is anchored by a large, open, dual aspect central space that serves as the 'heart', providing zones to facilitate group study, collaboration and social learning. Careful consideration of the sequence of spaces, furniture selection and the use of natural light/views were essential to successfully integrate and balance the diverse settings and functions. A calming palette of colours and textures along with gently curved corners provide an organic and peaceful ambience. The design was consulted on extensively with both the student and staff communities and has also been assessed to gold level using the SKA environmental assessment."

Cheryl Smitham, Associate Project Manager

  • Client:City, University of London
  • Type:Remodelling
  • Location:Islington, London
  • GIA:2,750m²
  • Status:Complete August 2024
  • Consultants:CPW (Services and Acoustic Consultants), RLB (SKA Consultant and Building Safety Act Advisor), Summers Inman (Cost Consultant), Sweco (Approved Inspector), Buro Happold (Fire Consultant)
  • Contractor:BW