Following completion of a highly praised scheme in 2011 to create new clinical skills areas and a biomedical laboratory for the School of Health Sciences (SHS), this project upgrades and consolidates the School’s accommodation at the Northampton Square campus. It provides further specialist teaching spaces including a ‘Smart Home’ Telehealth suite, research laboratories, office accommodation and an integrated, public-facing clinic, enabling greater inter-disciplinary interaction and reflecting healthcare provision in the ‘real world’. Significant consultation helped to assess the complex timetabling, spatial and specialist technical requirements of the various user-groups and provide innovative, efficient and practical solutions within the constraints of an occupied, existing building.
A short video by the school can be viewed here.
"By listening, understanding and using their expert knowledge and experience to respond, the RSSA team were able to turn the wide ranging views and needs of key stakeholders (that were at times in conflict) into modern and innovative teaching and clinical skills spaces that are a showcase of the University."
Kay Jones,
Chief Operating Officer,
School of Health Sciences