Harrow School Learning & Teaching Hub

Rivington Street Studio has delivered a state-of-the-art Teaching and Learning Hub within Harrow School’s Grade I listed Old Schools building.

The new hub has transformed the Old Armoury to provide a modern space for experimental teaching alongside opportunities for collaborative working and sixth form study.

The design retains and enhances the existing building features, including doors and windows, central cast iron columns and beams above, and timber partitions.

Sensitively place modern interventions bring the space into the contemporary. This creates an interesting juxtaposition of the school’s heritage with its current and future pedagogy. The linked cellular spaces provide experimental and flexible teaching and learning spaces through write-on-wall panelling, lightweight glazed screens and contemporary finishes, utilising the latest IT and AV technology.

  • Client:Harrow School
  • Type:Refurbishment of Grade I listed building
  • Location:Harrow, London
  • GIA:175m²
  • Status:Completed 2022